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NAS is your one stop shop for wildlife rehab approved nest boxes, feeders, gifts for wildlife lovers and more.
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Our Story
How it all began
NAS started many years ago when a little cry from a tree was heard. An orphaned baby squirrel was in distress and we scrambled to find help for him. An online search revealed a special community of squirrel lovers who were determined to help us save this little one. An instant bond was made with this community and we were so thankful for the outpouring of love and support that we decided to figure out a way to give back to this amazing group of people. NAS was born and slowly but surely we worked our way to being one of the most sought after nesting box builders in the US.
Although we don't have time to rehab ourselves we have taken in domestic animals and use our proceeds to help care for them. Currently we are helping Holly the basset hound recover from her former life of cruelty. Check out Holly's Page for more info.
About Us
NAS has been working along side wildlife rehabbers since 2010 to design and build the safest houses possible. We've been active in animal rescue and give back to the rehab community that has helped us on our journey.
Production Time & Delivery
All nesting boxes and feeders are built to order within 3-5 business days and shipped via UPS to the contiguous US. Since they are shipped UPS we cannot accept PO boxes. If you are in AK or Canada and a box isn't available to be shipped to you please contact us because we will ship via an invoice at the appropriate shipping cost.
All items are made to order all sales are final. Anything returned is done so at the customer's expense and subject to a restocking fee.
Payment Info
NAS accepts Paypal and all major credit cards through Square. We do not do phone orders.
When paying with Paypal, orders will begin processing the next business day. When paying by credit card, allow up to two days for processing to begin.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us via Email.
We are an online store only.
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